An Abridged Coq Introduction
Table of Contents
Today, we'll be proving simple theorems using the Coq proof assistant. Coq uses an ML-like language to describe proofs.
This introduction is an abridged version of Mike Nahas' tutorial at
1 Part 1
1.1 Getting started
- Install CoqIDE using
sudo apt install coqide
(or similar) from - If you want to use this with Emacs, install Proof General mode from
Coq source files have a .v
1.2 Syntax basics
Theorem my_first_proof : (forall A : prop, A -> A). Proof. (* This is a comment *) intros A. intros proof_of_A. exact proof_of_A. Qed.
- Every coq command ends with a full stop.
- The vernacular commands begin with a capital letter; they define the structure of the proof.
- The tactics commands begin with a lowercase letter; they are how you want Coq to prove them.
- The statement we want to prove comes after
. It says "for all Props A, A implies A". - A Prop, or proposition, is something that can have a proof. It does not make sense to say a proposition is true or false! It either has a proof or it doesn't. (Truth values do exist in Coq, but we'll introduce them later.)
is how you instantiate something you assume to exist.- So, the first three lines of the Proof block instantiates a Prop called A and a proof of that Prop A.
tells Coq that we have reached our goal.
1.3 IDE basics
Step through the proof line-by-line. For the first line, we see
1 subgoal, subgoal 1 (ID 1) ============================ forall A : Prop, A -> A
The subgoal, shown beneath the ruled line, is what we need to prove the Theorem.
Next line:
1 subgoal, subgoal 1 (ID 2) A : Prop ============================ A -> A
The intros
command has popped off the A : Prop
from the forall
. By assuming this arbitrary A exists, the subgoal is simplified to showing that the implication A -> A
1 subgoal, subgoal 1 (ID 3) A : Prop proof_of_A : A ============================ A
Now we assume the condition of A -> A
, namely that the Proposition A is true, i.e. that A has been proved. Now we just need to show A is proved. But we've assumed that A is proved, which is exact
-ly what we need to conclude the proof.
1.4 Wait a minute:
Don't forall
and ->
have the logical meaning? Yes, they do and when you don't need to define new variables, you can swap freely between them.
1.5 Exercises
- Extend
to prove the thatforall A : Prop, A -> A -> A
2 Part 2
2.1 More tactics
- A forward proof creates larger and more complex hypotheses until it reaches the goal. For example,
Theorem forward_small : (forall A B : Prop, A -> (A->B) -> B). Proof. intros A. intros B. intros proof_of_A. intros A_implies_B. pose (proof_of_B := A_implies_B proof_of_A). (* See below *) exact proof_of_B. Qed.
- Here, The
tactic assigns the result of "A_implies_B proof_of_A
", i.e. it computes a proof of B using the given proof of B, to a new variable. See the how thepose
changes the state:
1 subgoal, subgoal 1 (ID 5) A, B : Prop proof_of_A : A A_implies_B : A -> B ============================ B
1 subgoal, subgoal 1 (ID 7) A, B : Prop proof_of_A : A A_implies_B : A -> B proof_of_B := A_implies_B proof_of_A : B ============================ B
- A backwards proof breaks the goal into smaller and simpler subgoals.
Theorem backward_small : (forall A B : Prop, A -> (A->B)->B). Proof. intros A B. intros proof_of_A A_implies_B. refine (A_implies_B _). exact proof_of_A. Qed.
- Given a prop, the
tactic changes the subgoal to be the unknowns (indicated by_
) which, combined with the Prop, would give the current subgoal. Here, givenA_implies_B
, Coq changes the subgoal fromB
, since combining a proof of A with the implicationA_implies_B
would let you conclude B. - Note the
may have multiple unknowns, giving multiple goals! Then you will need multipleexact
2.2 Exercises
- Prove
forall A B C : Prop, A -> (A->B) -> (B->C) -> C
forwards. - Prove the same thing backwards.
- Prove
forall A B C : Prop, A -> (A->B) -> (A->B->C) -> C
forwards. - Prove the same thing backwards.
3 Part 3
3.1 True and False and more tactics
Coq has two built-in values True
and False
, but these are not Booleans! They are Props: True
is the proposition with a proof I
and False
has no proof. Example:
Theorem True_can_be_proven : True. exact I. Qed.
There is a built-in not
operator, with shorthand ~
, to prove a Prop has no proofs.
Theorem False_cannot_be_proven : ~False. Proof. unfold not. (* See below *) intros proof_of_False. exact proof_of_False. Qed.
The unfold
command expands the definition of not so that we can get something to use with intros
But it's a bit awkward to talk about the proof of something unprovable. This is a more natural way to write it:
Theorem False_cannot_be_proven__again : ~False. Proof. intros proof_of_False. case proof_of_False. Qed.
creates subgoals for every possible construction of its argument. Here, since False
has no proof, it creates no subgoals, thus completing the proof.
We can use case
to formalise reductio ad absurdum arguments.
Theorem absurd2 : forall A C : Prop, A -> ~ A -> C. (* There's no C in our hypothesis ---^^^^^^^^, so we can't use the exact command. *) Proof. intros A C. intros proof_of_A proof_that_A_cannot_be_proven. unfold not in proof_that_A_cannot_be_proven. pose (proof_of_False := proof_that_A_cannot_be_proven proof_of_A). case proof_of_False. Qed.
3.2 Types, definitions and notation
"But, Ed," someone is doubtless saying, "What about Haskell?" To that person, I say here are your damn abstract data types.
Inductive False : Prop := . Inductive True : Prop := I : True. Inductive bool : Set := | true : bool | false : bool.
is so named because you can define types inductively (as we'll see later).
Coq also provides Definition
and Notation
vernaculars to abbreviate things.
(* This indicates (not A) and A -> False are interchangable *) Definition not (A:Prop) := A -> False. (* This creates an operator *) Notation "~ x" := (not x) : type_scope.
3.3 Booleans
The bool
type is in the library Bool
, which you load with
Require Import Bool.
Two functions it includes are:
Definition eqb (b1 b2:bool) : bool := match b1, b2 with | true, true => true | true, false => false | false, true => false | false, false => true end. Definition Is_true (b:bool) := match b with | true => True | false => False end.
We see True
is true:
Theorem true_is_True: Is_true true. Proof. simpl. exact I. Qed.
The tactic simpl
simplifies the subgoal by evaluating the function on its arguments. Here's another application of simpl
Theorem not_eqb_true_false: ~(Is_true (eqb true false)). Proof. simpl. exact False_cannot_be_proven. Qed.
We want some operations on Booleans. Here's or:
Inductive or (A B:Prop) : Prop := | or_introl : A -> A \/ B | or_intror : B -> A \/ B where "A \/ B" := (or A B) : type_scope.
This defines four things:
, a function which takes two Props and produces one Prop.or_introl
, a constructor that takes a proof ofA
and returns a proof of(or A B)
, a constructor that takes a proof ofB
and returns a proof of(or A B)
an operator interchangable withor
is defined by
Inductive and (A B:Prop) : Prop := conj : A -> B -> A /\ B where "A /\ B" := (and A B) : type_scope.
3.4 One final tactic
The destruct
tactic is a little more versatile than case
. It's recommended for types which have a single constructor (like and
Theorem and_commutes__again : (forall A B, A /\ B -> B /\ A). Proof. intros A B. intros A_and_B. destruct A_and_B as [ proof_of_A proof_of_B]. refine (conj _ _). exact proof_of_B. exact proof_of_A. Qed.
3.5 Exercises
- Prove
~(True -> False)
. - Adapt the proofs in part 1 to use bools instead of Props.
- Prove
(forall a : bool, Is_true (eqb a a))
using "case a.
". - Prove
(forall A B : Prop, A -> A \/ B)
. [Hint: you will need to one ofor_introl
.] - Prove
commutes. - Prove
(forall A B : Prop, A -> B -> A /\ B)
. - Prove
commutes without usingcase
instead ofdestruct
4 Part 4
4.1 Booleans continued
We saw earlier that and
and or
Props were not functions, but Inductive types, where we defined instances that can only be defined by calling obscure functions called constructors. bool
is an Inductive type, with constructors true
and false
. true
and false
have no arguments, so they are more like constants than functions.
To manipulate bools, we could use Inductive types like we did for Prop, but it will be easier to use functions. Some built-in ones are:
, with operator&&
, with operator space.negb
, with operator<->
4.2 More tactics
- If a hypothesis (
intros H.
) contains a function call with all its arguments, then usesimpl in H
to expand it. - The
tactic marks the proof as complete, even if some subgoals are complete. [Exercises completed usingadmit
are not acceptable.]
4.3 Exercises
- Prove
(forall a b, Is_true (orb a b) <-> Is_true a \/ Is_true b)
. [Hint: you'll need every tactic we've seen so far.] - Prove the same thing with
. - Prove the same thing with
5 What's next?
That is, what sections of Mike Nahas' tutorial have I not got round to abridging? What remains are introduction to quantifiers, the natural numbers (nat
) and lists.
6 Revision guide
- If the subgoal starts with "
(forall <name> : <type>, ...
" Then use tactic "intros <name>.
" - If the subgoal starts with "
<type> -> ...
" Then use tactic "intros <name>.
" - If the subgoal matches an hypothesis, Then use tactic "
exact <hyp_name>.
" - If you have an hypothesis "
<hyp_name>: <type1> -> <type2> -> ... -> <result_type>
" OR an hypothesis "<hyp_name>: (forall <obj1>:<type1>, (forall <obj2>:<type2>, ... <result_type> ...))
" OR any combination of "->
" and "forall", AND you have hypotheses of type "=type1", "=type2
"…, Then use tactic "pose
" to create something of type "result_type
". - If you have subgoal "
" AND have hypothesis "<hyp_name>: <type1> -> <type2> -> ... -> <typeN> -> <goal_type>", Then use tactic "=refine (<hyp_name> _ ...).
" with N underscores. - If your subgoal is "
True", Then use tactic "=exact I
". - If your subgoal is "
" or "~(<term>)
" or "(not <term>)", Then use tactic "=intros
". - If any hypothesis is "
<name> : False", Then use tactic "=case <name>.
" - If the current subgoal contains a function call with all its arguments, Then use the tactic "
". - If there is a hypothesis "
" of a created type AND that hypothesis is used in the subgoal, Then you can try the tactic "case <name>
" - If the subgoal's top-most term is a created type, Then use "
refine (<name_of_constructor> _ ...)
". - If a hypothesis "
" is a created type with only one constructor, Then use "destruct <name> as <arg1> <arg2> ... "
to extract its arguments - If a hypothesis "
" contain a function call with all its arguments, Then use the tactic "simpl in <name>
" - If you have a subgoal that you want to ignore for a while, Then use the tactic "=admit"
- If the current subgoal starts "
exists <name>, ...
" Then create a witness and use "refine (ex_intro _ witness _)
" - If you have a hypothesis "
<name> : <a> = <b>
" AND "<a>
" in your current subgoal Then use the tactic "rewrite <name>
" - If you have a hypothesis "
<name> : <a> = <b>
" AND "<b>
" in your current subgoal Then use the tactic "rewrite <- <name>
" - If you have a hypothesis "
<name> : (<constructor1> ...) = (<constructor2> ...)
" OR "<name> : <constant1> = <constant2>
", then use the tactic "discriminate <name>
" - If there is a hypothesis "
" of a created type AND that hypothesis is used in the subgoal, AND the type has a recursive definition Then you can try the tactic "elim <name>